Racial intolerance. Social exclusion. Legal injustice. Numerous problems challenge the development of civil society in Russia. A project to provide public with free...
Author - Denis Loctier
Denis Loctier is the anchor and producer of “Ocean”, Euronews’ monthly show specialised in the blue economy and marine life. In this role, Denis travels around the world exploring the effects of climate change and human activities on ocean health, talking directly with fishers, business owners, port authorities and policy-makers. “Ocean” has taken Denis and his team to places such as Greenland, Caribbean Islands, Seychelles, Svalbard, Cabo Verde and Thailand.
A Euronews journalist since 2001, Denis has produced short TV documentaries on more than 200 international research projects and covered a variety of other topics, from economy and tourism to international politics and military conflicts.
Denis holds a PhD in Information and Communication Sciences and is certified to operate in hostile environments. He can also fly paragliders, pilot drones, navigate vessels, and dive to depths of 60 meters.
In his first interview since the inauguration, Viktor Yushchenko has been telling Euronews why he believes his country has its place in the European Union.
The way to Chernobyl looks unhealthy, and it is: the area is still radioactively poisonous 17 years after the catastrophic explosion at the nuclear power plant. Yet even...
В преддверии своего 300-летнего юбилея северная столица принимает саммит Россия-ЕС. Краткий экскурс в историю и современность российского “окна в Европу”.
Science and nature documentary series Denis Loctier is a video producer with a wealth of international experience. He has traveled the world to cover hundreds of...