Science moves our society. It shapes our future. It changes our world. In our weekly magazine Futuris we report on the best scientific stories. We meet the researchers...
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Implantation of a prosthesis involves complex surgery conducted in a sterile environment. Still, sometimes implants get infected with dangerous bacteria. The...
“Palmyra was under control of the co-called Islamic State for almost a year. During that time, its architectural heritage was partially destroyed. The iconic Bel Temple...
The frontline between territory occupied by Syria’s Bashar al Assad and opposition forces has seen some of the most brutal, horrific fighting imaginable. Civilians have...
The Russian airbase Hmeymim in Latakia is preparing to celebrate WWII Victory Day. Marking the anniversary comes after more than six months of air strikes in Syria which...
Water covers most of our planet, but we still lack knowledge of the deep changes that are going on in our seas and oceans. In this episode of Futuris, we join a...
At the Danish Air Ambulance base in Billund, satellite navigation is a true lifesaver in the sky. The air ambulance service, operated by the Norwegian Air Ambulance in...
Most of the matter around us is either solid, liquid, or gas. But there is something often called the fourth state – plasma – that has remarkable properties. Could we...
Alternative energy sources are gradually replacing fossil fuels, but can oil be replaced in the production of the plastics we all use in our daily lives? Innovative...
On Futuris this week we look at the growing science of generating tailor-made bones to transplant into humans. Traditional transplants have been around for many...