Russia’s deputy prime minister has defended his country’s military actions in Georgia. Interviewed by EuroNews in Moscow, Sergei Ivanov expressed surprise at the...
In the northeast of Holland, 14 large antenna dishes have been placed next to each other in a 2.7 km long line. Charles Yun, project manager: “We’re here at the...
This nuclear reactor may lead the way to the power plant of the future. Irradiation studies at the nuclear core predict a safer, greener and cheaper atomic energy by the...
Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili says he is committed to strengthening democracy after the country’s fifth presidential election. After the violent dispersal of...
Strokes, diseases, congenital deformaties can all lead to disabilities beyond the scope of current medicine. But tomorrow’s treatment is being developed today via a...
Лион-Москва, 2008 Введение Организация работы телеканала euronews (la Chaîne Européenne Multilingue d’Information Euronews) стала результатом...
It’s already the cheapest and greenest form of global tranportation, but the shipping industry is still looking to improve. Two huge research projects are...
Racial intolerance. Social exclusion. Legal injustice. Numerous problems challenge the development of civil society in Russia. A project to provide public with free...
In his first interview since the inauguration, Viktor Yushchenko has been telling Euronews why he believes his country has its place in the European Union.
The way to Chernobyl looks unhealthy, and it is: the area is still radioactively poisonous 17 years after the catastrophic explosion at the nuclear power plant. Yet even...