For the police divers who work for the Schleswig-Holstein Bomb disposal unit in Kiel, their daily job is to go down into the murky cold sea to find lost weapons of war...
In Mutriku, northern Spain, scientists from the AZTI research centre are working on a European project that aims to replace plastics used in aquaculture with something...
The ocean is the cradle of all life on our planet. Humans have known about its health benefits for centuries. Today, scientists are going one step further with what they...
There is a tiny island in the Adriatic sea called Jabuka, which means apple in Croatian. Some might consider that a rather contradictory name for this uninhabited...
On a fine winter day in the Vigo estuary in Galicia, Spain, José Manuel Sotelo Durán, a local fisherman, will spend most of his time on a fishing boat with his...
Kush Seafarms is Ireland’s leading producer of organic shellfish. This family-run company in Kenmare Bay in the country’s picturesque south-west started as a...
Offshore wind power is fast replacing fossil fuels as a source of clean and increasingly affordable electricity. In this episode of Ocean, Euronews meets those working...
As part of Euronews’ Green Tomorrow initiative, our search for innovative technology to combat marine litter has taken us to the Croatian island of Lošinj, a...
An enormous 20% of all food produced in the European Union ends up either in landfill sites or as animal feed. It’s an expensive waste of a potential resource that...
International shipping is a large and growing source of greenhouse gas emissions. It is a sector that the EU is trying to clean up as part of its pledge to become the...